Fun Event Ideas for College Students

College life can either be stressful without fun. And since these will be your best years in life, why waste them getting drunk every weekend?

Instead, choose to make memories with your friends by participating in fun events without blacking out and waking up to throbbing headaches every Saturday.

Try out some healthy, fun activities that do not cost you as much, and you get to remember what happened. Here are some of the fun ideas from Just For College for college students:

1. TEDx Talks

A TEDx talk is a free, school-friendly framework you can participate in, as a college student, to explore, develop and present your ideas. You can also listen to experts who have made it in your area of interest and learn from them.

How is that fun, you ask? TEDx talks give college students the to identify their passions, connect with other students with similar passions, and learn from experienced people.

In addition, you get to push your bounds and learn how to speak for your idea. What could be more fun than realizing your passion and talking about it?

Organizing such events, where fellow students can give short lectures and share their wisdom, is more fun than you think.

2. Short Film Festivals

Are you interested in becoming a filmmaker and have no idea where to start? Or are you looking for Just For College fun ideas to build memories with your friends while networking with your peers in the industry? If so, then short film festivals are what you need.

While you may participate in the experience, some film festivals come with sponsorships and cash prices.

You also get the chance to meet significant talents and celebrities in the industry and engage in discussions about filmmaking, which is more than you can gain from sitting through your lecture hours.

3. College Campus Farmer’s Market

College students and food go hand-in-hand. Put anything with food on it, and you will notice students coming by.

The same goes for farmer’s markets. With the increased awareness for healthy eating and sustainable diets among college students with limited funding, a college campus farmer’s market will be fun to visit.

You can buy food supplies at reduced prices, learn a thing or two about the growth cycles of plants, and even eat some delicious food while making memories with your friends.

4. Community Service Events

When working on a tight budget, finding ways to give back to society can be tricky. Luckily, besides class schedules, and part-time jobs, students can spare some time in the evening or during the day.

You can organize community service during your free periods or on the weekend as part of your fun college events. And no, it does not have to be grand.

For example, a simple tutoring session with your classmates or juniors, mentoring your juniors in college, giving meals to the homeless, organizing clean-up days, and so forth. Just a simple activity you can complete with your friends go back to your schedule.

5. Music Events with Local Bands

Again, put college students and music in the same room, and see spirits soaring. Of course, these young students are also eager to perform at these fun college events.

With local bands performing for such lively audiences and competition for the best band or solo artist on campus, you can have fun all night long without spending a dime. Include a food stand and a dance floor, and college life becomes a night better, with more memorable moments.

6. Crafts Workshops

Something beautiful about young people is their plethora of creativity coursing through their veins. Students want to try something new every chance they get.

So, when you present them with the opportunity to make their room décor or creatively recycle materials, then you have yourself an audience.

From simple keychains to name tags or even metal works, craft workshops are a fun place to get souvenirs for your college life.

7. Sports Competitions

College life is never complete without the occasional sports competitions. And no, they are not limited to marathons, sprints, or football.

Participating in sports activities, whether watching from the stands as your class team swims or your dorm team races across the field, being part of the cheering squad, or even going out for scavenger hunting, is a welcome fun event idea for college students.

8. Cooking Classes

Food is a college student’s solace. With their stressful classes and strive to balance life and hobbies, a college-friendly cooking class can be the fun college event your students need to relieve their stress.

These classes help students eat healthy, even if it’s for that one night of the month, and acquire skills to prepare them for their life outside the school cafeteria.

Simple dishes, like mac ‘n’ cheese, homemade noodles, or even stir fry, are enticing enough to attract a crowd of students to the class.

9. Hiking and Camping

Your college experience is never complete until you have hiked the hills by your school or gone camping with friends.

Whether spending the night by the beach or watching the stars from the trails around campus hiking, camping is an excellent college fun idea.

However, get everything ready, including a guide. Then, you can bond and make new friends along the trail or bonfire.

10. Clothing Swap

If you have not been to one, then you are missing out big time. If you have clothes you never wear, a clothing swap is a place to find new clothes.

For example, if that skirt sits at the bottom of your wardrobe, you can attend a cloth swap and exchange it for a top you can’t wait to wear on your day out. Besides, you get to meet a bunch of fun, like-minded people and make friends.

College life is where you learn about living by yourself and making friends for life. It may be hectic dealing with classes, assignments, and exams, but you can make your stay there better by participating in fun college events with your friends.

You don’t have to get wasted every weekend to have a good time. Participate or organize fun events with your friends and make lifetime memories.


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